Thursday, 19 July 2012

Then and Now: Nature Vs. City

Here's another piece I started over a year ago before abandoning it only to finish it today.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Waste not want not.

The first picture is a piece my house mate started  (which was then screwed up and put in the bin.) The picture started out with only the outline of the octopus in the foreground and  a pencil outline of the arm on the far right. I added to the drawing to turn it into an mechanical underwater scene. The second image I started then abandoned and a friend added to it until it became a doodled bird. The last drawing I drew a pen outline doodle before giving it to my house mate to finish.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Then and Now

For every piece of work I finish there are always three or four abandoned pieces that I never quite got around to doing anything with. After having a little look through my old sketch books I found a few that I wanted to finish. Here is the first, a little world built on a rickety wooden tower.