Here's a speaker I designed for a couple of friends of mine. They were looking for a simple out line of a big speaker that they could each get tattooed on the back of their necks. One has BANG! written under it and the other has BOOM! (I will post the BOOM! image when i get it.)
To remember our friend Kurt on his birthday we took to a park with fire, lanterns and music. Float on comes from the modest mouse song of the same name. It is a fitting memorial to an amazing guy.
There are times when you don't want to take on the challenge of colouring a huge doodle. In these cases I turn to my trusty posca's and some colourful paper and in no time at all I can whip up a pile of doodling mayhem.
Another fantastic site. Null+Void are a London based digital music site pack full of interviews, reviews and listings not to mention some brilliant podcasts of some of the best digital noise available today and of course a fine selection of banner artists. I'm currently flying the banner with some pieces i drew out in India earlier this year.
This a brilliant record label set up by a group of guys in Brighton who use music to raise money for the mental health charity Mind. With artists spanning the range of electronic music presenting a smorgasbord of delightful sounds all of which is available to buy on the internets....and they put my work on one of the covers.
When I first started to draw it frustrated me that whatever I did became a mish-mashed ball of nonsense. All I wanted was to draw a face or an animal with some degree of realism. Now I just enjoy my doodles, no longer do I look to draw from life but draw from what's sitting inside my head.
After literally years of avoiding hair dye for the fear of losing my natural blonde i finally took the plunge and messed with my hair. The dreadlocks posed an interesting challenge as they had turned my very thin and fine hair into an absorbent mess. Two boxes of bleach, two bottles of manic panic Virgin snow white toner, a tub of manic panic infra-red dye and chopping almost 7 inches of some of my locks and I have an eerie white blonde and fiery red mess. Lovely.
I've been searching for a name to use for my art work. I had toyed with many names and i knew it had to be related to octopuses (however hard i try to draw something else it always seems to turn into an octopus.) Takora is the English translation of the Japanese word for (red) octopus. It's a short and unusual word which seems to fit me perfectly.
I first discovered it through a bizarre Japanese kids show called Kure Kure Takora (gimme gimme octopus).
A four day weekend comes with a promise of plans: a day dressed as pirates at the sea life centre, a sneaky rave in the woods, a Moroccan dinner with friends... but those plans always seem to be lost and this time I spent my four days of hard fought freedom looking up pictures online (and drawing a few when I can tear myself away.). I thought it was about time I shared.